Physical education teacher candidates know and apply discipline-specific scientific and theoretical concepts critical to the development of physically educated individuals.
Element 1.3: Describe and apply motor development theory and principles related to skillful movement, physical activity, and fitness.
Artifact: Motor Development Lab 2
Date: October 6, 2010
Reflection: This is a lab assignment we completed after observing children at the St. Mary's After School Program. Our job was to observe a specific boy and a girl in Kindergarten or First Grade as they performed a run, gallop, and hop. As you can see from the chart, there were criteria for their performance for each motor skill. An 'X' indicates that the child fulfilled that criteria. As a teacher candidate, learning to assess the development of motor skills will be crucial to teaching our future students. We are gaining an ability to monitor their development and to choose activities based on the needs of the students. It is the Physical Educators role to help students learn these skills and set them up for success later in life.